Masonic Trivia Baseball

Brant Lodge hosted an evening of Masonic education featuring Masonic Trivia Baseball and a research paper. After the business meeting for our February 2020 regular meeting, the Brethren called off from Labour and answered the call to “PLAY BALL!”

The Blue Jays beat the Cubs 10-6 after many correct answers (singles, doubles, a triple and a home run!) and some strikeouts and stolen plays. All questions were “pitched” in the 1st degree so as to encourage our newer members to “step up to the plate” and take a swing with their newfound Masonic knowledge. R.W. Bro. Marshall was the pitcher, and threw a variety of questions – some “heat,” and some “chin music” mixed in to keep the Brethren on their toes.

After much fun, Lodge was called on from refreshment to labour and the Brethren present enjoyed another research paper by Bro. Kikot, on the writings of Phylo of Alexandria as they relate to the story of Cain and Abel.

At 9PM, Lodge was closed in harmony and those present retired to the banquet hall for BBQ ribs, beans, coleslaw and beverages. Bro. Grier did a phenomenal job with the BBQ ribs, to the delight of all present.