January 2020 Regular Meeting

After the holiday break, Brant Lodge members welcomed a new member in the new year. Bro. Schwarz, after a considerable wait, was initiated into Freemasonry and became Hamilton District A’s newest Mason. R. W. Bro. Scott Laing joined a dozen visitors from St. John’s Lodge No. 40, Union Lodge No. 7, St. Clair Lodge no. 135 and the Electric Lodge No. 495 to take in the degree of the night.

The degree team conferred the E.A. degree with Fidelity, and it was clear that the major parts were well-rehearsed and delivered with meaning. During a break in the ceremony, Bro. Kitko delivered an abridged version of Masonic education linking the Egyptian philosophers to Pythagoras and the writings of Philo of Alexandria – excellent research that was particularly relevant to the evening, especially considering the explanation of the J.W. Lecture in the E.A. Degree.

After the ceremony was completed, W. Bro. Shea had the pleasant duty to present Master Mason certificates from Grand Lodge to Bros. Harrison and Draghici, marking the completion of their entry into our craft lodge. R. W. Bro. Laing gave kind words of support and encouragement to our Master Masons in general, and our new E.A. in particular.

As is customary with Brant Lodge, the banquet hour was lively and featured both meat and vegetarian lasagne, home made Caesar salad, home made red sauce and craft breads to fill our plates and fuel the warm conversations of the evening. Congratulations, Bro. Schwarz on your entry into our noble fraternity!