2019-2020 Installation

W. Bro. Trevor Shea was installed as Worshipful Master of Brant Lodge No. 663 for 2019-2020 Masonic year. The evening was heartfelt, featuring V.W. Bro. Jack Shea, W. Bro. Shea’s father, presenting family regalia and the gavel to the new Worshipful Master, and also featuring some warm words of appreciation from his wife Allison. In a touching moment, W. Bro. Meecham presented W. Bro. Shea with a repaired and updated Lewis Jewel, indicating his family’s connection to Freemasonry through his father and grandfather.

R. W. Bro. Scott Laing, along with several Grand Lodge officers, also paid a fraternal visit on this successful evening, in which the room was full and the banquet hour fully subscribed.

It is with thanks that we acknowledge the hard work of W. Bro. Meecham, whose two years in the East continued the momentum of Brant Lodge and put the membership on solid footing for years to come. Also, the installing master, R. W. Bro. Eric Marshall for his excellent management of the installation ceremony and all the volounteers and parts assignments that go along with that role.

After Lodge, in a moment of levity, the jerseys for the new hockey team, “The Stonecutters” were unveiled by Bro. Sviergula, team manager.