2019 DDGM Official Visit

Brant Lodge hosted R.W. Bro. Ian L. Anderson, District Deputy Grand Master of Hamilton District A on May 13 on the occasion of his official visit. As a departure from the typical format for an official visit, Brant Lodge did things a little differently. 80 Masons signed the register, and 70 stayed for dinner!

Opening to the 3rd degree, Bro. Harrison proved his proficiency to the satisfaction of all present, after which lodge was closed in the 3rd and all F.C. Masons re-admitted. During the 2nd degree, The Swan by Camille Saint Saens (Yo Yo Ma and Kathryn Stott interpretation) was played to centre the minds of the Brethren present, and offer a moment of meditation. Then W. Bro. Maennling and Bro. Brown delivered an excerpt of the Lecture of the Middle Chamber (William Preston, 1773/1774) on the Five Senses. Lodge was then closed in the 2nd degree and E.A. Masons were re-admitted so that long service awards could be presented.

W. Bro. Meecham and R. W. Bro. Anderson presented a 60 year pin to Bro. Louis George, a 25 year pin (overdue) to Bro. Robert McIntyre and another 25 year pin to V. W. Bro. Michael DeAbreu. It was pleasant to meet Bro. George, who hadn’t attended lodge in awhile.

W. Bro. Khayutin and R.W. Bro. Anderson presented the winners of the Food Bank Drive and celebrated the fundraising efforts of the district for the March of Dimes Charity. R.W. Bro. Anderson then gave a stirring final address to those present, culminating his last official visit as DDGM of the district.

After the Brethren gave tributes to the Queen and the Craft, to Grand Lodge, and to the visitors, the Brethren repaired to the banquet hall for Moroccan pulled chicken, beef meatballs, strip-loin shaved sandwiches, and a delicious variety of charcuterie and cheese.