D.D.G.M. Official Visit to Brant Lodge 2018

The homecoming for R. W. Bro. Eric Marshall was attended by over 90 Masons, and the banquet hour was oversold at 76, showing that Eric’s travels over the past few years in general, and his year as DDGM of Hamilton District A in particular, have warranted the esteem of Masons around the region.

W. Bro. Reg Meecham arranged an evening program including two newly raised Master Masons proving their work as well as a fine exemplification of the “Walking Charge“, delivered exclusively by young new members of Brant Lodge No. 663.  The East was filled with 6 D.D.G.M.s from their respective districts, five members of the Board of General Purpose, the Grand Junior Warden, and several Worshipful Masters from around Hamilton District A. W. Bro. George E. Benton ensured that a large contingent of visitors from the accompanying lodge, The Barton Lodge No. 6, were out to support Brant Lodge’s official visit of the DDGM.

Charity figured prominently in the evening, as the final Food Drive donations were over $3,000, Trafalgar Lodge raised over $2,600 for Carpenter Hospice, and most impressively, the net proceeds of the “Hops for Hospice” fundraiser for Carpenter Hospice were over $21,600. These donations, when combined, will be partially matched by the Masonic Foundation of Ontario to be over $30,000. Congratulations to all Masons, family members and friends who made donations to these two worthy charities.

Finally, the banquet hour was a culinary experience of four courses prepared with love by executive chef and Brother Jason Grier and his team, supported by the generous labour of Lakeview Chapter No. 79, O.E.S. This was the first banquet in the author’s memory where the standing ovation for the chef was so loud, enthusiastic and heartfelt.

Perhaps the evening was best summed up by two photos of R. W. Bro. Eric Marshall and W. Bro. Reg Meecham that show the caring and mutual respect between these fine leaders of Brant Lodge No. 663. Many thanks to everyone who made the evening a success and a heart rendering memory for all who participated.