Brant Lodge’s Newest Members Initiated in January and February 2016

Our winter meetings have been productive this year, with ballots for affiliation and initiation featuring prominently in our agendas, and ceremonies of Initiation being the work of the evening in our January and February meetings.

Bro. Krone and Bro. Moore were initiated according to Ancient custom, both showing attention to the charges and lectures and showing themselves to be excellent candidates.

Our banquets continue to engage and impress our members – Bro. Meecham arranged pulled pork sandwiches in January and then in February arranged for home made Turkish food to be served.

We also balloted for and welcomed new affiliated members, Bro. Samuels, Bro. Horne. Welcome aboard!


Bro. Krone on his initiation to Brant Lodge No. 663
Bro. Moore on his initiation into Freemasonry


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