February Regular Meeting – M.M. Degree Bro. Will Craig

After a particularly snowy and icy spell of weather, the warm atmosphere of Brant Lodge brought the Brethren together to confer the third degree on Bro. Will Craig. After a business meeting that ratified new bylaw changes and resulted in a favourable ballot for an applicant, Bro. Craig proved his proficiency to the entire satisfaction of the members present. W. Bro. Meecham opened lodge up to the third degree and the ceremony was delivered according to Ancient custom. One visitor from Suffolk, UK, Bro. John Tricker, paid the Brethren compliments to the high quality and solemnity of the work, and the members of Brant Lodge recognized his travels with warm applause.

Bro. Craig – congratulations on being raised to the third degree and for becoming Hamilton District A’s newest Master Mason!

After Lodge was closed and the Brethren sang O’Canada, we retired to the banquet hall for delicious home made lasagna and garlic bread with beverages courtesy of Bro. Chris Soper. Another fun evening at Brant Lodge!