Brant Lodge Members visit Andaz Temple in London

W. Bros. Maennling and Marshall, along with Bros. Lalonde and Hanrahan enjoyed a special trip to London, UK to visit the historic Andaz Hotel where a Lodge room had been sealed off for 70 years and re-discovered in 1996. St. Laurence Lodge No. 5511 welcomed our brethren with warmth to their meeting at the Andaz Hotel, during which two Metropolitan Police officers were initiated into Freemasonry following the Taylor ritual.

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Our brethren presented the two new Entered Apprentices with police patches from Toronto, Peel, OPP, Halton and Hamilton, as well as presented them with Police Masonic Degree Team pins courtesy of R. W. Bro. Jeffrey Baker.

The banquet was a black tie and white glove event of fine dining and many warm toasts to the officers, degree team, new initiated and of course the traditional toasts as well. The toast to the visitors was responded to by our own W. Bro. Matthew Maennling who thanked St. Laurence Lodge for their hospitality and commented on the benefits of Masonic travel.

Many thanks to W. Bro. Lawrie Morrison, secretary of St. Laurence Lodge No. 5511 for enabling this group of Canadian visitors to enjoy a special evening.


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